Change App Package Name Android

Change app name android react native

Made a new release (B4A 7.80) from the code of another app (B4A old version).
Compiled ok. Not accepted by G Play, because... The APK or Android App Bundle package must have the name ---old production release---
Manually editing AndroidManifest.xml with no result:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<manifest android:installLocation='internalOnly' android:versionName='ERLA_AN' android:versionCode='8' package='re.revive.eloisa' xmlns:android=''>
According to G Play, package would be: erla.eloisa
???Thank you
Change app package name android

Android Studio Change Package Name

Change app name android root

Change App Name Android Manifest.xml

Update the applicationId in the defaultConfig to your new Package Name and Sync Gradle, if it hasn't already been updated automatically: You may need to change the package= attribute in your manifest. Download Package Name Viewer 2.0 apk 3.0.2129 for Android. This app show you package name and launcher class of all apps in your device. Once the app is read successfully, click on the Properties tab to change the name. While changing the name, the app mode should be Apktool instead of QuaZIP.Once you have changed the name, pack.