Format Edittext Android

  1. An Android EditText widget can be defined as below. Android EditText widget is subclass of TextView and used to take input from user and modify the text. While defining the EditText using kotlin, we also mention about the inputType acceptable by this widget. For example, to take plain text as input, we use android:inputType=”text”.
  2. In android, EditText is a user interface control which is used to allow the user to enter or modify the text. While using EditText control in our android applications, we need to specify the type of data the text field can accept using the inputType attribute.

On a computer, you move the cursor by using a pointing device. If your Android phone features a pointing device, such as a thumb ball or arrow keys on a physical keyboard, you can use that device to move the cursor while you edit text. Otherwise, your finger performs the cursor-moving task. Tap the spot on the text where you want the cursor to. In this section, you will use the EditText widget to create a text field for user input. Once text has been entered into the field, the Enter key will display the text in a toast message. Open Resources/layout/activitymain.axml and add the EditText element to a containing layout. Android EditText in Kotlin Last Updated: EditText is used to get input from the user. EditText is commonly used in forms and login or registration screens.

In this tutorial we are programmatically removing the typed text from EditText so application user doesn’t need to remove text by hand back press keypad key. This will be possible using getText().clear()method. This method will first get the already typed text from edittext and then clear it. So here is the complete step by step tutorial for Clear EditText in android on button click programmatically.

How to Clear EditText in android on button click programmatically.

Code for file.

Android Edittext Default Text


Android Edittext Style

Code for activity_main.xml layout file.



Android Get Text From Edittext

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