- MBot is a STEAM education robot for beginners, that makes teaching and learning robot programming simple and fun. With just a screwdriver, the step by step instructions, and a study schedule, children can build a robot from scratch and experience the joys of hands-on creation.
- MBlock is a block-based coding platform designed for STEAM education. Based on Scratch 3.0, mBlock allows users to code Scratch sprite, create animation and game, and code for robots & device including Makeblock's robots, micro:bit and Arduino, by dragging and dropping blocks or writing Python or C. MBlock opens up more possibilities with features like AI and IoT.
Download mblock v3.4 for free. Photo & Graphics tools downloads - mBlock by Shenzhen Maker Works Technology Co., Ltd. And many more programs are available for instant and free download.
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As a coding platform designed for STEAM education, mBlock is always committed to providing teachers, students, and makers with the best coding experience.
On 20th Jan, mBlock 5 PC version (offline version ) V5.2.0 has officially released. The new PC version is updated with all the new features added in the mBlock web version in 2019.
New features snapshot:
- Code with more new devices in mBlock 5 PC
- New extensions & search box for Extension Center
- New languages supported
- Help documentations for blocks
- Keyboard shortcut for expanding/shrinking the scripts area.
Code with more new devices in mBlock 5 PC
We've updated a lot of new devices in the latest version, including but not limited to devices below:
- Raspberry Pi Camera
- Arduino Nano
- Arduino Leonardo
- Arduino Yun
- Arduino Micro
- DJI Tello
- Orion
- 2.4G mBot
Check out all the coding robots and devices supported in different mBlock device versions:
New extensions & search box for Extension Center
mBlock 5 extension center now has 500+ extensions in total. In September 2019, we merged over 150 Arduino Extensions from mBlock 3 to mBlock 5. Now you can easily get all the Arduino Extensions in both mBlock 5 PC & web version. These extensions are contributed by our beloved mBlock 3 users. Thank you for all the hard work. Anyone is welcomed to use our Extension Builder to add blocks or create mBlock 5 extensions. (Check out mBlock 5 Extension Builder)
- 500+ extensions in total as of today. Newly added extensions for NovaPi, Raspberry Pi Camera, and mBot Smart Camera. scratch2 blocks and SSD1306.
- Added Search box for extension center that enables users to locate the extension you need quickly. To quickly find the extension you need, type in the keywords in the search box of the Extension center.
New languages supported
mBlock never stops reaching out to more countries around the world. All the languages in mBlock 5 are contributed by our voluntary translators from different countries. However, there are still some languages that are not available yet. We would be very appreciative if you can help us localize mBlock so that people from your country can make the best out of it. (Check out volunteer translators recruitment)
New languages added in this update:
- Persian
- Vietnamese
- Czech
- Catalan
Help documentations for blocks
In the new version, we've added block Help documentation to help users quickly learn how to use the blocks. Right-click on blocks to access Help documentations.
Keyboard shortcut for expanding/shrinking the scripts area
To help you focus on coding, use the shortcut 'Ctrl + Shift + ←/→' to expand/shrink the scripts area.
Installer Mblock Sur Mac
In addition to all the devices and features updated, bugs in the old version are fixed. We've also improved the software performance for better coding experience.
mBlock 5 extensions contributed by users
In May 2019, we officially launched the mBlock 5 extensions builder for users to create block extensions or add devices. As of today, there are over 100 mBlock 5 extensions contributed by our users. Thank you for supporting us and making mBlock possible.
2. Extension: 串口通讯 Developer: powersstar
3. Extension: 圓創力通訊擴展 Developer: magic0627
4. Extension: SSD1306 Developer: powersstar
5. Extension: Webhook Extension Developer: chiusammy492
6. Extension: 程小奔--游戏设计 Developer: fanfei
7. Extension: IOP mBot 增能擴展A Developer: magic0627
8. Extension: Serial for mBot Developer: magic0627
9. Extension: HC06 VIETSTEM Developer: duonglucbk
10. Extension: NLT IoT ThingSpeak Developer: enjoyneer2014
11. Extension: TFT_LCD (Arduino) Developer: enjoyneer2014
12. Extension: MeTFT Developer: 757447286
13. Extension: IoT_IFTTT Developer: enjoyneer2014
14. Extension: starter专用 Developer: 398533641
15. Extension: MeInterCMT Developer: 757447286
16. Extension: IOP Ranger 增能扩展A Developer: magic0627
17. Extension: Encoder Motor Driver Developer: magic0627
18. Extension: MegaPi 工具 Developer: magic0627
19. Extension: 8bots Led Controller Developer: saquarema
20. Extension: Smart_TEAM 1 Developer: Smart_TEAM
21. Extension: 자율주행 자동차 키트 Developer: 0xinfinite
22. Extension: Fabino 1.0 Developer: harayashi_tb
23. Extension: 싸이피아 SCIPIA SPAC Developer: osc95
24. Extension: INPUT_PULLUP Developer: manuelforero768
25. Extension: DHT温湿度传感器 Developer: paf
26. Extension: 8bots actuators Developer: saquarema
27. Extension: 云领橙长_arduino Developer: 1398007578
28. Extension: INPUT_PULLUP Butonu Developer: mburakkalkan
29. Extension: L298N Motor Kontrol Developer: mburakkalkan
30. Extension: LCD I2C Eklentisi Developer: mburakkalkan
31. Extension: led control Developer: gqanhnute
32. Extension: Club House CR Developer: arielobando
33. Extension: uBrick Developer: u238
34. Extension: Logos STEAM test Developer: smartteam
35. Extension: hshoptrungledvayli Developer: xuanngoc1992
36. Extension: ps2x Developer: u238
37. Extension: CDG_LCD Developer: ktrasschaert
38. Extension: CDG_Keypad Developer: ktrasschaert
39. Extension: LCD1602 with I2C Interface Developer: 757447286
40. Extension: Smart TEAM 2 Developer: Smart_TEAM
41. Extension: Uris Robot Developer: urielfrid
42. Extension: mBlock por Matardio Developer: matardio
43. Extension: Grove LCD Developer: quirijnvdgaag
44. Extension: HyperDuino Developer: chris_torrence
45. Extension: input_pullup Developer: igorkovalchuk37
46. Extension: NU Block Developer: my_mint_za
47. Extension: SENAI 'LUIZ VARGA' Developer: massimus3d
48. Extension: NeoPixel Developer: oocjh200
49. Extension: MakeBrick Extension Developer: kondal2000
50. Extension: MASSIMUS 3D Developer: massimus3d
51. Extension: vBot VIETSTEM Developer: duonglucbk
52. Extension: Bluetooth HC-06 Developer: hoavinh108
53. Extension: LM35 Developer: mehmetkemalkoseiu
54. Extension: LCD 16X2 Developer: saricicek
55. Extension: dht sensor Developer: saricicek
56. Extension: RGB LED Developer: lizavolchenko
57. Extension: SMILE clock modul Developer: marion
58. Extension: SMILE LED 6x3 Developer: marion
59. Extension: SMILE clock modul Developer: marion
60. Extension: ws2812彩燈 Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
61. Extension: 指纹辨识 GTM5210F32 Developer: smathuang
62. Extension: Uno無源蜂鳴器 Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
63. Extension: 紅外線遙控 Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
64. Extension: LCD1602顯示幕 Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
65. Extension: DHT11溫濕度感測 Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
66. Extension: SG90伺服馬達 Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
67. Extension: RGB LED 模组 HT45F0062 Developer: smathuang
68. Extension: DS3231時鐘 Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
69. Extension: RC522讀卡機 Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
70. Extension: AlphaBot Developer: thevane
71. Extension: Tm1637數字顯示 Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
72. Extension: PN532讀卡機I2C Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
73. Extension: DFPlayerMini Developer: chfen
74. Extension: 彩燈 Developer: uniting
75. Extension: A4988步進馬達 Developer: 許銘堯老師彰化縣
76. Extension: DS18B20 溫度感應器 Developer: TSUNG
77. Extension: IOT Local & Global Developer: TSUNG
78. Extension: RFID Developer: TSUNG
79. Extension: IopKids Developer: mohamedalsherif
80. Extension: 上传模式广播 Developer: woojh
81. Extension: 一个汉字 Developer: tongsen
82. Extension: 机器学习之加法训练 Developer: tongsen
83. Extension: 一言 Developer: tongsen
84. Extension: 进制转换 Developer: tongsen
85. Extension: Extra blocks Developer: DGTV11
86. Extension: 数据工具库 Developer: 江湖百晓生
87. Extension: 慧编程大助手 Developer: tongsen
88. Extension: jtMicrobit Developer: jtFuruhata
89. Extension: 舞台录屏器 Developer: callblueday
90. Extension: 你画我猜 Developer: tongsen
91. Extension: 中文、数字转换 Developer: tongsen
92. Extension: 汉字转拼音 Developer: tongsen
93. Extension: 资料结构扩展 Developer: zaeval665
94. Extension: 网页请求扩展 Developer: zaeval665
95. Extension: Tello Developer: callblueday
96. Extension: OrangeBoard Developer: woojh
97. Extension: cerebro Developer: epsilon11101
98. Extension: Robot BrickOne Developer: duongthelongnv
99. Extension: Vietduino Uno Developer: xuanngoc1992
100. Extension: Makebrick Developer: kondal2000
101. Extension: Brain Go Developer: smathuang
Installer Mblock Sur Ubuntu
Join Makeblock talk & share or mBlock Extension Builder Facebook group and share anything about mBlock!